Training has been going really well lately and I’m feeling stronger than ever. I’m currently training for another kettlebell sport competition and this past month I’ve been going to GoodLife Fitness for some barbell workouts with a good friend of mine. I haven’t really done much in terms of barbell training since most of my weight lifting is focused around kettlebells. I did some lifting at StrengthBox several months ago and this was my 4th time in the gym this month lifting/squatting/pressing barbells. Here’s a video of my PR so far, where I lifted 265lbs. I did a PR of 3 reps total. Not too bad considering that barbells have been a rare occurrence in my training. I hope to change that though! My ultimate goal would be to lift more, get a 300lb deadlift PR then work up from that. Perhaps compete one of these days just for the experience and fun of it all.