10 months post op. Today I went back to see my orthopedic surgeon Dr. Veillette.
The purpose of this appointment was mainly for scheduling another surgery if I wanted. In my head, I was still contemplating on whether or not I should get my ‘9cm, low-profile, pre-contoured, titanium Smith + Nephew clavicular plate and 9 screws’ removed. My gut said ‘No’ but I wanted to discuss it further just to make sure I’m making an informed decision that I won’t regret in the future.
I’ve got my full range of motion back, am able to lift heavy weights, have not been compromised in any way, and have not been experiencing much pain aside from if and when I happen to put weight on it or wear a messenger bag…and, I can still feel the hardware beneath my skin. Nothing major and life is good. The question: is it worth the risk of infection, a possible numb patch that may not reduce, and another scar? I don’t think so.
I was reassured that if kept, the plate will not deteriorate over time and was told that only 5% of his patients actually get the plate taken out. That’s a pretty small percentage. Plus, the only reason why one would take it out would be if the plate is uncomfortable (ie: acts up in cold weather), causes pain, or somehow comes loose (haha, and I doubt I’d have any problems with that esp since I have 9 screws!).
With that said, I have decided to keep my Titanium plate and live happily as a bionic girl. Finally, my clavicle adventure concludes 🙂
Thanks everyone for the kind words, support and for following me on my journey.
Dr. Veillette, if you’re reading this, thanks so much for everything – You’re the BEST! None of this would’ve been possible if it weren’t for the ORIF surgery. I’m extremely thankful to be back stronger and able to continue being athletic. Couldn’t have asked for much more than that! For anyone with shoulder issues and broken clavicles, you have my highest recommendation.